Bob Burnett's and Al Jones' excellent short film on Keith Rowe is going to be making the rounds shortly. Required viewing. Here's a listing of upcoming events, some of them still tentative:
Aug. 7: Texas Theater in Dallas, TX (awaiting confirmation) (Al jones presenting)
Aug 12: flash online screening Foxy Digitalis
Aug. 13: Sanatorium of Sound Festival, Sokołowsko, Poland
Late August: Julien Ottavi presenting in Nantes, potentially w/ Keith present
Aug or Sep: Mark Wastell. via Confront, screening in London
Sep 5: Austin screening w Bob B. and Rick Reed w Q&A
Oct: Brian O. and AI present in Seattle (in the works)
Nov: Earshot Festival, Seattle (in the works)
Nov: Ryoko Akama screen in Huddersfield (in the works)