Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Bob Burnett's and Al Jones' excellent short film on Keith Rowe is going to be making the rounds shortly. Required viewing. Here's a listing of upcoming events, some of them still tentative:

Aug. 7: Texas Theater in Dallas, TX (awaiting confirmation) (Al jones presenting)
Aug 12: flash online screening Foxy Digitalis
Aug. 13: Sanatorium of Sound Festival, Sokołowsko, Poland
Late August: Julien Ottavi presenting in Nantes, potentially w/ Keith present
Aug or Sep: Mark Wastell. via Confront, screening in London
Sep 5: Austin screening w Bob B. and Rick Reed w Q&A
Oct: Brian O. and AI present in Seattle (in the works)
Nov: Earshot Festival, Seattle (in the works)
Nov: Ryoko Akama screen in Huddersfield (in the works)

Saturday, June 05, 2021

 Hear ye, hear ye.

About three years ago, I all but ceased posting reviews on Just Outside, whining that it was just occupying too much time, time I'd rather spend on more self-indulgent activities. Not unexpectedly, this didn't stop folks from continuing to send music, digitally and materially, which on the one hand, of course, I greatly appreciated and, by and large, enjoyed. My recourse was to post brief description and links on facebook (which might get more views than the blog anyway, who knows). A fault perhaps, but I always feel obligated to do something when people go out of their way to send me things.
But...that's become onerous as well. Just too much stuff piling up that I feel the strong obligation to listen to with some amount of seriousness and comment on. In many ways, a happy and enjoyable burden, but a burden nonetheless.
So, even though I'm sure there will be exceptions to the rule, I'm hereby proclaiming my abdication from the review process (apart from those I do for Squidco, which remain fun). If you insist on sending stuff my way, which I know many of you rascals will, please don't expect any comments, promotion etc. It probably won't happen.
Huge thanks to all those who have sent in work over the past years--I truly appreciate it and your music has provided me with much pleasure and stimulation. I will, of course, continue to listen. Just not open my mouth so much.

Monday, February 08, 2021

Esther Venrooy, a marvelous musician/thinker who doesn't release nearly enough work (!!) has written a book that charts her own development and discoveries, offering excellent and deep observations along the way. Beautifully written, closely and honestly reported, it's a really great document on a musician working in adjacent areas (improv, field recording, sound art) from the 90s until the present day. Highly recommended (as is Esther's music)

Sounding Things Out