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Oh, picked up the other new Erst, "©haos ©lub", a double disc from Erik M and Dieb 13. Only one listen, wasn't too taken with Disc 1 which struck me as having an oddly retrograde character re: collage technique. Liked Disc 2 very much, though....even the last track, which I won't spoil for anyone who has yet to hear it. Just one listen so far, though, so...
I gotta say I only like the last track of disc 2....
there's a surprise ;)
Last track of disc 2 annoys me - on one listen I really like the rest of both discs though.
Robert, did you get the mail I sent last week?
Man Brian, those messages got sorted to the junkmail! Sorry about that, I've replied now.
"©haos ©lub"
FWIW, one of those copyright symbols is a copyleft, although this version looks better than the plain 'chaos club'.
and I love the contrasting Robert/Al opinions. something for everybody! :)
Two listens through so far, and I love Chaos Club, both discs. Not all of it is great, necessarily, but I love the concept and most of the execution. And I love the last track...especially the way it ends, which is not how I thought the track would end. I thought the track was trying to say one thing, but the last second made me think that what I had been listening to was something different.
I've yet to hear chaos club, but knowing both Robert and Al well its fun trying to work out the nature of that last track from what I know about their musical tastes.. in fact I can probably now guess how this release pans out from those few lines above ;)
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