Thursday, March 27, 2014
Sink - [unreleased recording]
Here's something I've never done before: writing about a recording session that, at the moment, hasn't been and isn't about to be released. Not exactly sure how to go about it...
Suffice it to say that Andrea Ermke (who plays mini-discs and mixing board with Sink) sent me four music files which I've listened to and she was interested in having me write about the music. I'd previously heard a track from Sink (the other three members being Chris Abrahams on DX7, Marcello Busato on drums and Arthur Rother on guitar) on the Echtzeitmuzik collection that appeared a couple of years back. The four tracks "here", recorded in 2012, extend and elaborate that sound. Sometimes I think of a less obsessive Radian or Trapist in that the music bears pulse patterns every so often but they're more readily allowed to unspool and wander. Abrahams' keyboard is occasionally pitched very close to the classic Terry Riley tones, very warm, especially when arrayed against Busato's sparkling metals. Ermke (I think) throws in plenty of noise elements to keep things honest. It's an unusual sound, very electric--you almost expect things to break out into a fusion session, but it never does--, very insistently dreamy, meditative but active, some hints of alap in the guitar, maybe. Much of the third track is all flutters of various kinds set atop a thin drone and emerging, barely nascent drum rhythm, really fine.
Hard to describe, but there are other soundfiles at the site below to give you a better idea. Just keep an ear out for this if it ever properly surfaces. You heard (about) it here first...
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