Saturday, October 03, 2009

Testing my new scanner.....


  1. heh, does that mean you went to see Evan Parker last night?

  2. Wrong-o! This one is Charles Tyler, circa 1977, Environ.

  3. yeah, I didn't figure you'd be sitting there sketching during the show anyway, I just liked the coincidence (and that doesn't look too far from Parker).

  4. So is the drawing still one of yours Brian?

    If you didn't already have a scanner, how did you manage to post the pics of your recent watercolours? They weren't photos were they? Just intrigued.

  5. Yep, mine. I've been going through my massive stack of old drawings, watercolors, oils, etc. scanning some items of interest. There are a few I did while working at Environ (this is one) which I'll probably post here soon. Charles actually wanted to use one of my drawings of him as the cover for a solo album which, I think, never got recorded. C'est la vie.

    The previous scans were courtesy of my dear friend Betsy who earlier this year incited me to pick up the brush again in the first place. (A good number of these old drawings, from Vassar '75-'76, are in fact, of Betsy) but yes, Bets would borrow them, scan them and send 'em back. I think she knows what she's doing re: scanning way more than I do, but I'm learnin'.

  6. Ah OK. Was Environ a music venue?

    The head is very well drawn in that pic. Really, you are making me want to crack out the sketchbook myself with all of these arty posts. In the New Year, when my shifts at work should change to something more normal I hope to start attending still life classes in Oxford again, something I used to love in my early twenties but have not done since.

  7. You kids today! Yes, Environ was one of the major "jazz lofts" that sprung up around Soho in the early 70s. I worked there from Oct. '76, just after I moved to NYC to 1980 when it closed. Great place. Saw and heard tons of great music, often booked four days a week, Thurs-Sun.

    Yeah, it's been interesting to get back into visual work. Prior, I had been fairly satisfied that I'd done what I wanted to do and didn't feel the urgency to continue. I still feel that way half the time--in many ways my current work is "similar" to older stuff--but enough new things have seeped in around the edges (at least, I see it that way) to make it fun.

  8. Right, "seeped in around the edges", like eyeball fluid.
