Friday, July 24, 2009

Puppy duty and our newly installed FIOS being on the blink for a couple of days (phones too) responsible for limited posting. Will attempt to rectify soon...

(contact being spun)


  1. thats a very lovely puppy, we're living with a cock-a-poo puppy at the moment, a black one, She's recently learnt to dive of the sofa and skid along the floor :)

  2. Yeah, this one's 3 months old today and is quite the terror. She's already leaped *off* of beds and chairs and last night made her first successful jump onto the sofa. I give the enclosure we're using another two weeks at best. Periodically launches into her psycho routine and races in figure eights around the floor or backyard, growling at imagined foes.

  3. so the initial reports on FIOS are mixed at best?

  4. (back in business, btw)

    Well, the FIOS itself is great, very fast, not a problem. As long as its working. Not sure what the issue was--the repair guy was gone by the time I came home--but the problem, as ever with Verizon, is the service. Linda called this morning, got a supervisor and yelled at him--she's very good at that. Guy showed up.

    fwiw, the TV package has, I think, more channels than Comcast, many more HD channels in any case. I don't really care about that, but I appreciate that the channels are laid out in logical groups (News, Sports, Premium Channels) and, lord have mercy!, alphabetical within those groups! Like some record collections I know. Plus the HD channels are the same as the regular ones with an additional number in front. So YES is 76 and YESHD is 576, for example.

  5. I'm insanely jealous Brian. Not about the FIOS, because I have no idea what that is, but because of the puppy. I amy come over and steal her when you're not looking. Or maybe just go and grab Sarah and Patrick's as its a bit closer...

    What's her name?

  6. I'm afraid I was outvoted, 1 to 1, and her name is Katie. I was going for Ignatz. Yes, I realize Ignatz is a male name but so was Nanook. "Iggy" strikes me as a good call-name for a dog. I surreptitiously call her that though, as near as I can tell, she's clueless as to her name, though she will graciously accept all forms of homage.

    FIOS is the fiberoptic service that's recently become available in these parts.

  7. Heh, I know how you feel, my last dog was named Gemma by someone other than myself. It just isn't good when you are walking around the local fields calling out that name... Katie is probably even worse!

    Gemma was of course quickly shortened by me to Jem, which lead many to assume she was male. The poor dog had a very confused life, called various names and uncertain about her sexuality...

    I always thought that Nanook was male by the way!
